By Ali Date: 2006 Sep 08 Comment on this Work [[2006.]] |
I thought love was a mirror-- Not that of Narcissus, Not the funhouse kind, either-- but one made of soft candlelight warm vanilla sugar, and the comfort of fresh dried laundry. Cheesy? Sure. Idealized? Hell, yes. But proven? Occasionally. Unfortunately, you've disproved my own deceptions more than once, and tired of time, disenchanted with circumstance, I left the web and loom-- Echoing the Lady of Shallot. With every lyric I could muster, I've loved some part of you, for a long time now...but for now, you whisper 'too late', and I wonder about this punishment for breaking the beauty of perfection. But I, I, I-- Knew you, "a red-crossed knight, forever kneel'd, to a Lady in his shield"-- But that wasn't me. It couldn't be, I can't be; I won't be. Once, I was the burned candle, both sides weary--and that lovely light is not lovely enough; it does not give enough to replenish me. Between the shadows I've stood, half-martyr, half-nightmare-- You do know what you do, I can't be, again, and I won't be, for you. I thought love was a mirror, but that Camelot Queen-- that was only then, that was only once Me. |