By i'm just him
Date: 2006 Sep 15
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underage thinking

what if we were made to believe
love was this incredible forever thing
when in reality it's only
a feel good moment
what if trust was a giving away thing
instead of something worth earning
you'd have broken promises
from the trusted i believe
or maybe my thinking is wrong
but if you trust everyone so easily
a broken promise is guaranteed to come along
and if love is so incredible
how come radios play so many broken heart songs
how could they be written
if there love was build on
something so strong
to ask these questions
doesn't take heart
it just shows the condition your hearts in
and you'll find mine to be in pieces
congrats to those who live in the moment

~i'm just him~
  tru story

she's the love of my life
they just never told me which life it was in