By no white flag
Date: 2006 Sep 19
Comment on this Work

this cant be how our story ends

This cant be how our story ends
Dont ask questions,,if you cant handle the answers
sometimes,,many things affect,,whats going on
memorys,,both good and bad,,
make us wonder.
and question.ourselves.
and each other
but,dont blame me,,for
what others have done wrong
dont treat me with anything but kindness
listen too my words,,with your heart
i have doubts,fears and worries,
why cant i tell you?
i am who i am,,
most days i feel so insecure
i dont want too blame you
for others lies,,and actions
i have some history too
so if i tell you i want to do some thinking
listen close and understand why
i dont want too be like others
suspicious,,always looking
for bad things,,you might never do
but dont,,please ever,treat me with harshness
i cant/ wont take it,,and i shouldnt.
and im sure sometimes you have some questions too
but if you told me,,i would listen,,
and then try too reassure,,,
understand as best i could,,
not react with anger,,or denials
remind you,,i am me,,and you are you.