By Abogada
Submitted by Abogadalbny
Date: 2006 Sep 23
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Vision Statement

Nights like these
I just want to drink myself
In the empty wasteland
Where empty wine bottles
And used corks
Go to die.
Tonight just toss me under the cabinet
In the half-full garbage
Under the sink.
Just throw me away.

I wrote two paragraphs of my
Masters of Business Administration assignment
To ponder the vision of my ideal life.
It's a bit of a joke
Because I already have a doctorate
But am doing the Master's anyway
Because I don't want to keep paying the student loans
And because my soul needs the work, these days.
I wrote of our life together.
The opening line:
"In the vision of my ideal life, I am not alone."
I see it in clear Technicolor.
I see our friends and our life,
Our condo and our bed.
It is happening as I write this
on another level.
And I am there
With you