By drunkenlobotomist
Date: 2006 Oct 14
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Big fleshy ears,
But she’s dressed real nice.
She calls me charming,
Hell, I’m a god.

Fuck the skin mags,
And the bulimia.
America is a fucking swell country.

You can’t meet girls like this in Romania,
You can’t meet them on trains,
Running through the Ukrainian hinterlands.
I’ve tried.

And I’ve dreamt the end.
It’s true, like if heaven existed and,
Opening barn doors,
God shows you his Corvette.

Kick the stool out,
Catch her just above the floor,
Whisper something obscene.

Take her to your Honda,
Make painful love,
Part awkwardly.

Smile as you walk away.
You’ll meet again.
That’s what gods do.