By Abogada
Submitted by Abogadalbny
Date: 2006 Dec 20
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From A to B

“You arrogant B,” writes new guy.
(He actually called me a “B”—I guess I get it, but a “B”??)
I realize I am dating a guy who is too backward to say bitch.
(And I miss being back in Queens, where “B” and “F”
Were just words my girlfriends used in everyday conversation!)
“Your head stuck in your law books, you don’t see that everyone else
is busy, too.  You are the most self-centered . . .”
(It all starts to sound like Charlie Brown’s teacher to me after that—and I really thought he was going to say my head was stuck up my ass instead of in my law books.  Personally, I would have gone with the ‘head stuck up your ass’ comment, but that is purely stylistic on my part…)

After years of being the doormat
Years of being the victim
The chubby little girl who grew into a businesswoman
But still always had a case of the “oh please love me and tell me I’m pretty” idiot blues
I was so damn tickled
That this “A”
(A is for asshole, by the way)
thinks I’m a self-centered, big-time lawyer “B”
instead of the broken-hearted, cheated-on divorcee
I spent the last 5 years mastering.

The old me
Would have begged for forgiveness
I’d want him to love me and I would think he was perfect and I would buy him gifts and make him cookies and
(ah, you get it)
But tonight
Tonight, I just wrote back that I thought he was handsome and a great guy, but not the guy for me, and I wished him good luck and happy holidays.
“Good luck?  You are definitely not the girl for me.  Unbelievable,” he writes back.

Unbelievable, indeed.