By Rennie et al
Submitted by rennielorca
Date: 2007 Jan 20
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Exchange of the Moment

"Women think they know by the way, which always astonishes me... women will always say 'uh, we look at guys sexually too.'"

"Well uh, they do, they do..."

"Women have NO IDEA."


"They have no clue whatsoever. It's like the difference between shooting a bullet and throwing it. If women had any idea, even for a second, of how we really looked at them, they would never stop slapping us."

--Larry Miller and Jonathan Katz, on "Dr. Katz Professional Therapist". I really dig that lowkey, goofy humor, like a more tranquil Steve Martin Teaser of the Moment. (from

Larry and Jonathan, while you're busy having those thoughts, we'll throw this at ya. Yeah, we're so busy setting the scene and dressing the part that we don't have a clue.

Wise-up, guys, while we reload. We want opportunities, flowing caftans, Victoria's Secret, a bed and candles in every room, but Mr. Blackwell and House Beautiful would hound us right off the map and put us on their Worst Press List.

We skirt the edges with other plans. We want you to grow old with us. We want you to keep glowing smiles on our faces. Yep, we're greedy gals with what we want of you. So we'll just lob this last bullet at you. We're in it for the long-haul.

You may look at us, but we realize we gotta talk/tantalize you into things. Again, we want to grow even more adventurous and old with you. Face it (all slaps aside), IF we did everything with you we're currently thinking about doing, you wouldn't last the year. Keep looking!

© 2007 Rennie Lorca