By cj king
Submitted by hairdiva
Date: 2007 Feb 23
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From What I Hear

I don't know much about love, obviously
But I do know what it is not
It is not simple, though it should be
uncomplicated, at first.  
It is not painful, though it should be
careful, at first
It is not broken, though it should be
protective, at first.

Love is unconditional, or so I hear.
But that type is rare, and I have never
stumbled across it.
Though I dream of it.
It wakes me up and caresses my breasts
with its promise.  

I know it's out there somewhere.  
Its beauty finds me in the dark
And brings me out to the wind
It takes me, howling, out of the rain
And tells me I will know when it is time.
It tells me it is not my fault
When I just know that I do things, many
To keep it away

It tells me, quietly, silently, redundantly
Wait for me.  
Howl, if you must,
But I will be there, in my own time
Not your's.
Not your time.