By cire nehtrow
Date: 2007 Mar 12
Comment on this Work

Security Blanket

Clinging to the phone like some security blanket, as if whether you call or not matters, me thinking that you caring means I should care about myself is sad, if not sick.  You’ve had your fun and rightfully so in this checkers game of a life, where I jumped and crowned and expect you to move one space at a time.  Doesn’t make it hurt any less though; you swearing your love and fealty then lying to me…tasting the flavor of the month…and wanting me to believe I’m your favorite.  Turning aside as we age we de-evolve, lose innocence, trust, our desire to be trusted...lie more, love less, lose more, want more, have less, yearn and suffer more yet work and believe less.  We wait for it to come to us, so tired of sacrificing that we aren’t willing to sacrifice; so tired of losing that we aren’t willing to lose, so tired of life many of us are ready to die, yet wanting so much to live again…