By Bryon D. Howell
Submitted by Bryon_Howell
Date: 2007 Mar 13
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A Poem for My Pet

Don’t want to play some corny, doggy trick.
Don’t come to me to merely get a bone.
If you are here for me to throw a stick -
I’m out-of-stock, so please, leave me alone.
There was a time we were the cat’s meow -
our catnip hearts sure had the best of us.
The only thing inside our kitty now
are memories too painful to discuss.
I’d like to know how you became a mouse.
You come around when you can smell the cheese.
You spend your time just robbing from my house
and taking what you want when no one sees.
Now, I must neuter you without regret.
I need a lover, not a hungry pet.