By cj king
Submitted by hairdiva
Date: 2007 Apr 13
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Out Here

I want to walk inside your heart
Where it is safe, where there is a home for me
I know it; I can feel it from out here
Out here where I've been for centuries, it seems
Out here where I have learned to just hold on.

Out here where I will wait for you.  

The wind blew yesterday and I sat outside
And watched the trees bend, but not break
And I felt a kinship with them; what a beautiful gift
You have given me.  
Just sitting, not howling, out in the wind.

Out here where I will wait for you.

Do you know?  Do you know
What you have given me?  Because no matter
What happens I will watch those trees bend
But not break, and feel every beautiful moment
With tears in my eyes, but not in my heart.

Out here where I will wait for you.