By Ali
Date: 2007 Apr 27
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Something Like Grace

You woke up
a cowboy, trying hard to look tough,
but it was the innocence
in your touch that gave you away--
not inexperience, but abandon,
something like grace,
something like velvet
in your coyote-sky eyes.

You woke up
a cowboy, after years of running,
after years of hard goodbyes,
after years of leaving (me).
Something in your smile finally stuck.

You woke up
a cowboy, grown more than your age,
thirsty as a desert, wild as a hurricane,
but tame in the moment.  I could forgive you
by your asking,
or leave you to drown
in your own silence.  

You woke up
a cowboy,
and I woke up
loving you, again.