By CJ King
Submitted by hairdiva
Date: 2007 Sep 01
Comment on this Work

Past Tense

Your read-between-the-lines messages
have been read and I know what they hold
And I've asked you to not idealize what we had.
What we had was just a pause, just a moment

Just a common longing for something more.

And you've said that you've found something more.
As have I.  
Something so much more.  

And so.
Please go on
Go on with your something more.

And stop with the messages
Because I don't want to read between the lines anymore
It's a ruse I've learned to loathe.
A feeling I've learned to avoid
And a task that I no longer have the energy for.

Yes, you've missed out on a great thing here.
You know that as well as I
Now.  Now you do.
But now is too much, too little
And too late to put anywhere
But in the past.
And behind you.