By Ali
Date: 2007 Sep 10
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What It Means

Scarlet smiles--
clearly, I've drawn it all wrong,
there are too many reds,
too many dark shadows,
no faces, then dim faces,
a breath and then nothing--
and it means what it means,
and everything beyond it.

I inhale to explain, but exhale
outside of redemption.  What am I
in this?  Pretty and imperfect,
a frequently flawed creature of the heart--
I am of this world, and not.
These wings are not yours,
and this halo--
no one's.  Suffice it to say
I am a vastly fallen star.

You don't believe me, do you?
It figures, really.  Consider this
a warning.  Consider this...
to be more than you bargained for.