By Ali
Date: 2007 Sep 23
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The Thing about Courage, Secrets, and Belief

I came across a picture that made me think of you.  Someone had written on it; it was a secret--not mine, though.  And even though the words weren't perfect, and the handwriting wasn't yours, for a few minutes I thought about how it could be yours.  

I wondered, then, if it was about courage.  I wondered how feet become cemented to one place, when a situation is so wrong.  Change is not usually easy, I know.  But necessary, sometimes, in order to find happiness.  I wonder if you've ever been happy--really happy.  I've seen you smile, with the big grin spreading across your face.  I've seen your eyes light up with genuine warmth and affection.  I've seen the sunrise in your face.  But I don't know if I've ever seen you unquestionably happy.  And I do want you to be happy.

And that picture this made me want to tell you things, so many things.  And, for once, I'm not even sure how to say them.  I want to give you advice.  I want to tell you how much you mean to me.  I want a lot of things--some for myself, selfishly speaking.  But mostly, I want a lot of things for you.  It's funny, how you can hope for someone else.  I hope that you know that I'm behind you.  And that I believe in you.  It's as complicatedly simple as that.  It takes courage to change circumstances, this I know.  You should've seen how difficult it was for me to call you in the first place.  But once I heard your voice, aside from inwardly freaking out, I knew it was the right thing.  Strange, how you can only tell if something is good, or bad, after you leap.  I guess every action is a kind of leap, whether or not we admit it.