By Violet
Date: 2007 Sep 27
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Road trip to Boulder

i was dreading this trip. the long, long hours in the car wondering why the hell we didn't fly. the inevitable meeting up with all of your relatives. i was overwhelmed and carsick at the first mention of our vacation.  

but here we are. miles of road stretched out in front of us and dragging out a long goodbye behind us. the sky is wide and blue and full of cotton ball clouds. i can touch it.  i like feeling the sun on my legs and your hand on my thigh. we've been debating the weight of cows, and the lyrics to a lisa leob song. and at some point, i realize that i am happy.

eventually we will have to connect with all of your crazy relatives. but for now it's me, and you and the road. it's an overdue conversation between rest stops and rabbits and buffalo. we laugh, and get to know each other again.  i'm delighted to find out how much i like you.