By Ali
Date: 2007 Oct 08
Comment on this Work

Variation on a Theme

I look at it, objectively,
like a piano that’s out of tune,
like you can’t find the notes anymore,
and so you select a different song,
but your passionately haphazard playing
breaks more than just glass—
too bad
it’s not my problem,
too bad
it’s not my song,
too bad
you couldn’t forget the music
in my thighs—my eyes
are forever searching yours,
and this third fugue flits around reasons,
flirts in naked arrangements,
and I concentrate
on notes that aren’t mine—
but the Other,
she plays a dead song
on a water-warped piano,
and my sheets and streets
and suddenly enticing starlight,
there you go right
when you go wrong.  And it’s seductive, really,
the way you make music
deliberately, on a delicate incline,
and then roughly—
as if you can’t hold back,
as if you can’t bear to slow down,
gripped and gripping
the bidding of a swelling crescendo,
and vibrantly, and visciously,
as if written that way,
my music is yours, the notes
in your mouth, under your hand,
they are complete, only ever breaking,
breaking, breaking, breaking—
at your deft fingertip’s command.