By Farah
Submitted by twisted_lie
Date: 2007 Oct 12
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My name is Farah

My name is Farah.
I’m 23 years old.
I’m far from being perfect, I laugh, I cry and you always picture me as a Goddess.
I hurt some people and got hurt by others, but you, I know you never will.
I am moody; I yell and shout,whether I’m silent or I whisper,Which ever one it is; you think of it as music to your ears.
I bite my nails every time I’m nervous, as hideous as they are, You’d always kiss my hands.
I am messy; I never have time to tidy up my room,
But you always give me a helping hand.
I am not the most beautiful girl or the smartest but to you I am a Queen.
I am no model and I certainly don’t have the best skin,
But you love my curves and the touch of my skin.
Some call me weird but you call it creativity.
I don’t know what it is about me that you love, but if it wasn’t for you,
I’d be the saddest girl alive, I’m just lucky that someone loves me as much as you do!