By Ali
Date: 2007 Oct 28
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When a Star Falls

At this distance you see nothing
but silence and dark,
a heavy love that speaks
with an elusive tongue,
a cry you can neither deny nor reason out.  Still,
across this gaping world I just wanted to say...
I was thinking of you,
and at the thought,
your name burns out, having
worn me out, having warned me
of the clock-stop promise
of this fateful reconciliation--
you know, and I know,
but perhaps you have found something
easier to live with.

It's your foreign tongue
that stuns in idleness, as I gesture
carefully at this caravan of stone-horizons,
a world that I have been flung into,
or, perhaps, my reasons simply run too fast
for the stars to keep up,
and I have gotten lost, now--
I don't know.  But, unexcused, silence
sinks into tangibility, leaving footprints
behind where nothing has walked,
and there is absence raging
in between what I have
and what I have lost, and what had
and what has lost me--
the stars tremble,
and you are nowhere,
but here, casually.

It aches, somewhere I cannot find,
some pulse I cannot place--
and a uncaught
explanation falls to knees it didn't know it had,
prostrate, collecting peace
to exchange for forgiveness,
but the dream has gone dark,
its roots empty and its arms full,
and I lower my eyes to see
and in doing so, see you--
I cannot say,

but the invisible lets out a persistent cry,
and mine or yours,
I don't care.  I've long since
let the questions fall, only to rewrite them again,
a pool of comfortless truth at my feet--
I am the culprit, the lure, the privileged love
and reckless lover--
I am, I am
hopelessly shivering at this summit, defiant
in the face of this strange abyss, like a fool
who tries to break into heaven--
tired, restless, half-heaving
everything into nothing, trusting
you to understand
what you have become--
and, loosing translated,
I stammer out this sequence
wrought with embellished seclusion,

and this is a wreckage that can't be dissolved,
and close now, a thousand marked years
mean something else, alight with these sacred stars,
these dark eyes
and writhing expeditions, clever resurrecting
fevers, an ever-expanding moment
where three hours of love is made--
consider it a new religion, as you force out
the old one--there is so much singing now,
a lovesong
from my body to yours.