By lovecraft
Date: 2007 Nov 04
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Z is for Zero

I hope to rise above that damned halo
This one above my head
I have no use for it now
So long it’s been dead

Sparkling rays of light
Create the blindness
Blind the eyes of those I love
Hides my sins like terrible darkness

I hope to meet one soon
One who will see what’s in me
Inside my filthy heart
Caress me, kiss me, oh so gently

As I slip away into the shades of gray
I hold on to what I love
It pulls me back, I see the rays
I have so much to live for until life is done

I know it’s waiting
The love is there
I can find it by concentrating
Always searching through the spiraled stairs
But what I’m needing’s always been there

Have mercy on me
I’ve been so selfish
I’d hoped to rise above that damned halo
And here it’s been a zero the whole time.

If one is the loneliest number
Then what is zero?

Not a number at all
Until another digit rests beside it
And the guilty feelings, they fall