By CJ King
Submitted by hairdiva
Date: 2007 Nov 09
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Don't I Know You?

Excuse me, do I know you?
The face looks familiar, though not the eyes.
You seem to be somebody I once knew
Though i know nothing of you now.  
After all these years.
After all the fears
That I've faced, or so I thought.

So excuse me, should I know you
Because we seem to hold the same stance
Even if life hasn't dealt the same chance
And you seem to be broken,
More so than I, and
I can't fathom that, letting life
Take things from you, take your spirit
Or so it seems, from your haggard appearance

Excuse, would I now you
If your face were less drawn up
If joy showed somewhere in your essence
And your shoulders carried less
And your posture was less put-upon
If your presence was less, rather stolen-from
Like before, when i thought I knew you.

Excuse me, but don't I know you?  
There, in the mirror.
Shouldn't I know you?