By Varda
Date: 2007 Nov 21
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Will You Fight for Me?

You would let me go
with many tears
and broken hearts
but without a fight.

You wait for the day
when I won't put up with it anymore
when I will say enough
when I will leave.

You never say the words
you never ask me
do you want it
or do you fear it?

We get closer and further
like sands in the tides
caught, always moving
going nowhere.

How can I leave you
when I know how it would hurt you
when I need you so much
but how can I stay?

I am broken and whole
I am hopeful and lost
I love you and I long for someone else,
someone without our problems.

I don't even think of you anymore
when I dream in the darkness
I see other faces, feel other feelings
freedom, excitement.

I never thought I would see you
through a nostalgic haze
it leaves me feeling hollowed out and tired
maybe all I have left for you are tears.

Are we dying?
I am tired of holding on to insecurity
with a brave face and white knuckles.
Will you fight for me?