By ~Harem~
Date: 2007 Nov 24
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You Had What it Takes

You had all the ingreadients
to bake me a cake
You had all the spices
you had what it takes

To make me a woman
enticed by your charms
to make me a lady
enwrapped in your arms

The fairytale romance
was there for the taking
the chemistry was perfect
and I was ready for baking

But you went out of sequence
when blending your dough
you rushed and you scrambled
you never learned "slow"

For baking my cake
is the foreplay of love
the slower the teasing
the warmer the glove

For I am a deer
with the heat of the chase
prolonging my passions
and not about face

A complex soft creature
that scares like a dove
What a pure shambles
that ruined our love.

