By Ali
Date: 2008 Jan 11
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love is

is the king of a court
that knows no rules,
where grievances are rarely heard,
and if you fall out of favor,
you might gaze on the face
of henry the fifth--
not to lose your head, of course.

is a tyrant,
always the absolute sovereign--
there's no other allegiance
even if you should desire
to fall into different company.

is all-knowing, and commanding,
and there will be days
where you will dance,
and sing.  other times,
you will play the jester,
trip over your own feet,
and become the royal taste tester--
sometimes finding poison,
sometimes not.

love is a king,
full of magic
and power that you cannot name,
but be you noble
or peasant,
you always have a chance
of stealing that royal heart--
so don't bow your head just yet.