By darwin Date: 2008 Mar 05 Comment on this Work [[2008.]] |
Its not so much a composition as it is modern art. Modern art by definition an emphasis on representing emotions, themes, and various abstractions. What is love but various abstractions, different representations of the heart, interspersed with themes? Themes of the men and women who have chased us as greedily at times as we have chased them. Flying down stairs to catch a doorbell, hoping that the eyes of your lover will meet you on the other side. The starting of your body as it hears a phone ringing in a distant room, all familiar sensations for those familiar with the ways of love. In the beginning there's the excitement, the unknown, wondering what will happen next. The anticipation of the times next met in tandem. The interludes before the first kiss, as bodies seem to have entered an eternal state of slowness. How quickly it passes, those times, those innocent times when hearts yet yearn for peace. Then the moments come when you become familiar with each other, and you set into your patterns, and you love the domesticity that comes with having a partner, someone to share your bed on the cold winter nights. This can go on indefinitely until hearts change and lovers find new paths. Other times it can lead you even deeper, into the canals of that which some of us have yet to know. Into the abstract interpretations that I can only guess at. The only knowledge I have of love at this time is that lives change and so do people, that the prediction you have for forever one day, can change in a moment. That your lovers eyes may wander or find another source of comfort in a bed other than your own. But I know that hearts can love completely, and that until those days arrive to cherish just knowing love. Having it in your life, embracing a life that can nurture and grow. And that life is the nurturing and growing of you. It gets harder after a certain age and life has the effect of changing slowly, and you realize one day that you have changed with it. The day you wake up in isn't necessarily the same as the day you woke up in previously, but it's still you, a sense of familiarity is there. Through the looking glass of sorts. But we grow and expand and that's all we can hope to do, and hope that the love we put out into the world finds it's way back to us. |