By musicalduck
Date: 2008 Apr 14
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When Love Isn't Enough

A friend told me today that I deserve a guy who isn't an asshole. And I know that it was true. So I'm deleting your number and getting on with my life. I started it weeks ago when I said goodbye, but you keep calling and telling me you miss me. But I realized that loving you isn't enough. I need so much more than that. I wouldn't say you were an asshole, you were just selfish without even knowing it. You did a lot for me, but not if it wasn't in your best interest. I should have left you long ago when I first had my doubts. And I know I'm moving on so fast, but it lets me know we weren't supposed to be together for so long. Two years was long enough. So long that I found who I'm supposed to be with and that isn't you. And I know your heart is breaking, but without sounding too cliche, it really is for the best.