By Ali
Date: 2008 May 09
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There's a world in this space.  A world, a universe, a war.  A siege on my heart.  I wonder if yours is unscathed, or if I'm simply the only fool, jumping in, now and again.

I don't really know what happened.  Whether you said goodbye, and I missed it.  Or whether you thought I did.  But when I said...that your words and your actions didn't match up, that was true.  It's easy to say things.  Words are simply heartbeats, steady.  Controlled.  Rhythmic.  But actions?  They are a sandstorm smile, a battle cry into silence.  A showing of causes waged and worth waging.

I never thought you were a knight.  Not quite as the stories depicted.  And that's okay, but I never quite resembled Cinderella.  I'm too proud and too stubborn. And I hate to waltz.  But I know, I pushed you, sometimes.  I just wanted you to push back.  I trusted you, and maybe I shouldn't have.  But I just wanted to know.  I wanted proof.  I didn't just want to believe.  Though, I did.  And that was, perhaps, my most fatal mistake.

But now there's this space.  This chasm of a thousand letters, unsent.  Of a thousand thoughts, unsaid.  There's a war there, in this strange, new universe.  Captive, my heart is bolted into place, clutching its fraying logic like a blanket.  Like the last heave of an argument.  I'm not winning, and I know it.  Because in the middle of everything, I miss you.  

And that thought kills me, still.