By always and forever
Submitted by always and forever
Date: 2008 Jun 14
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I will hold her in my arms.

‘Great is the joy of reciprocated love, as well as to love and know that you’re loved’
Looking into his eyes, Laura knew she was baring witness to a soul that had lived a painfully difficult life.  She was able to discern that much from his gaze alone the day they first met, but she wasn’t one to claim that a gut feeling was the same as deductive reason however.  No, she would more readily liken it to induction and probability.  Although both are reasonable enough arguments, neither of them is a sure thing.  Now, as she sat quietly listening to him bare his soul without leaving a single corner unexposed, her assumption was solidified.
She continued to look into his eyes expecting to see signs of regret, anger, anguish and other emotions of the sort.  None of them were there for her to see.   What she saw instead was a calm so shockingly disturbing, it caused goose bumps to prickle up all over her body.  She felt it was unnatural.  Serenity and peace only came after the storm; here, it was right smack in the middle of all the chaos.  His eyes showed hope and determination.  They glowed.  They shined with a brilliance, that of which she had never seen before.  It was there while sitting on her sofa with him looking into those brilliant eyes, she realized that she was in love.
Here was a man, who at the very young age of twenty-three was the kindest person she had ever met.  Fate had given him all reason, or at least more reason than anyone else could claim, to be a deceitful jerk; but here he was, as pure and honest as a child who knew only love.  She thought he was beautiful inside and out.   And those eyes…those eyes were unbelievable.
“Well, I guess these things happen you know?” he posed one of his famous quaintments to her.  She called them quaintments because they always began as statements, but they ended as questions.  It was his idea to have the question portion go before the statement portion because it flowed a lot better than her original statement/question creation.  It was an inside joke, and they had a wonderful laugh over it whenever someone would question the word.
“Yeah, I guess they do.” she began slowly.  She wanted to say something that would make him feel like the wonderful person he was, but her mind drew blank. “I guess they do.” she repeated and crawled over to snuggle up against him.  He shuffled over to allow room for her on his side, and wrapped his arms around her when she had nestled into the nook he had prepared for her.  Together they lay side by side allowing for the comforting heat of their two bodies to gently lull them to sleep.  Yes it was then, while lying on her couch with him, when she first knew what love truly was. ~
I woke up around noon and Laura wasn’t beside me.  It was Saturday, the only day either of us didn’t have work or school, so we usually slept late.  I rolled out of the sofa where we had fallen asleep together last night, after I told her the gritty story that was my life, and called out for her.  Maybe she was somewhere in the apartment or on the balcony.  I heard no reply.  She was always up and about before I was, so I didn’t think too much into her not being there.  After all, this was her apartment.  Sooner or later she would have to come back around.
I decided to go through the fridge, and I found one of those sticky notes stuck on the freezer door when I got there.  I smiled at first sight of it because it was this crazy tie-die color.  It was her sticky note for sure.  She loved all of that out of the ordinary stuff, which is probably why she was with me.  I read the note,
“Babe, sorry I ran out on you but you looked so cute lying in the couch that I couldn’t bring myself to wake you.  I’ve gone to the store and will be back soon. Love you!”  P.S.  “How did I know you were going to raid my fridge?”
I laughed and took up the pen to answer her back.  As I was writing, I thought to myself that this was just one of the many reasons why I wanted her to be in my life.  After I’d finished, I stepped back to read what I had written.
“On the contrary, I took my sweet time.”
There wasn’t much room left on the sticky note, so I had to squeeze my one liner in at the bottom.  I thought about how she would react when she read it and chuckled.  Even after I had finished eating the rest of the take out from last night, I was still laughing.  “Exactly why she’s the one.” I said aloud to the apartment.  I didn’t expect a response; but I was feeling so good that if there were one, I wouldn’t have even thought it odd. ~