By Peccy
Date: 2008 Sep 28
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The Rose

A single lonely rose grew in the corner of the garden.
Encircled by many others,
But alone.

As time passed, trials came and went,
Then one dealt a severe blow.
From that, the rose began to wilt and wither.

Feeling forgotten...

Then like a miracle...

A soft and gentle breeze,
Then a ray of light.
The other roses fell into darkness,
And the solitary rose began to shine

An intense special light nourished it.
Then it was watered by a gentle cascade,
One of love and selfless affection

"But why?"
The rose asked the sunlight.
The rose was in full bloom,
The sunshine smiled down on her.

"This is what I do," the sun replied.
I am your sunshine, your life, your soul.
You are my rose.
You always have been.

-Hurley (copyright 2007)