By sapphyres_serenade
Date: 2008 Sep 29
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requiem for raven

So I've been sitting here,
alone with myself,
and my thoughts.
But not really alone.
There's been words in my mind,
lyrics, to a song in common,
a favorite of mine,
and of someone else.
I've been reading,
the same book
that earlier quotes have come from.
And now I sit here,
warm with the air in the house,
but chilled,
goosebumps chasing up my arms,
across my neck,
that I would know this book
needed to be read tonight,
and this quote that just belongs,
tied, to the lyrics in my head.
This short paragraph
that says in similar meaning
yet different words
what the lyrics of the song also share.
It is but one word,
one simple thought
that I know I can bring my skin,
my heart, my soul
to recall a feeling,
and set my being to tremble.
One word,
not included in here anywhere,
but rather in my mind,
to think that word,
and know why my body recognizes
the ghost of its image,
be it here, or not.
It is not here,
but for the feeling on my skin,
it may well be,
just a ghost, a spirit,
brushing its power along my arms,
and neck,
letting me know it understands.

And now the quote:
"There comes a point where you just love someone. Not because they're good, or bad, or anything really. You just love them. It doesn't mean you'll be together forever. It doesn't mean you won't hurt each other. It just means you love them. Sometimes in spite of who they are, and sometimes because of who they are. And you know that they love you, sometimes because of who you are, and sometimes in spite of it."

I am at that point.

(Quote taken from Laurell K Hamilton's Incubus Dreams (An Anita Blake Vamipre Hunter book)