By sapphyres_serenade
Date: 2008 Sep 29
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Serenade in Sapphire

Have you ever heard
the melody in anothers eyes
a song of everything
captivated by the sounds
staring endlessly
one that only you can see
rhythm set by hearts
beating soft and sweet
souls keeping time
of this I know for sure
a serenade in sapphire
eyes a blue so pure
in heaven they became
you light my darkest nights
the song I hear you play
one I knew was true
a lullaby in emerald skies
is what mine sing to you
to dance to these old tunes
no distance between us
just the chorus of our eyes
the chords we know by heart
all we need to start anew
quiet looks across a room
eyes light up
and we feel weak
no words no need to speak
our souls know the words
our hearts once beat as two
now just one holds the tune
Caribbean seas our new melody
to a love song oh so true