By sohail
Date: 2008 Nov 14
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My story

My story
          Is the story of an ordinary child
                   Who wanted to do extra-ordinary things in life
My story
          Is the story of an ambitious teenager
                   Who had low socioeconomic status
                             But high ideals
My story
          Is the story of a caring adult
                   Who witnessed human suffering all around him
                             But dreamt of becoming a healer
My story
          Is the story of a third world citizen
                   Who was brought up in ignorance and prejudice
                             But wanted to learn knowledge and wisdom
                                      And raise people’s social consciousness
My story
          Is the story of a Muslim
                   Born in an unjust and violent world
                             Hoping to become part of creating
                                      A just and peaceful world as a Humanist
My story
          Is the story of a 20th century man
                   Living when humanity is at a cross-roads
                             And has to decide sooner rather than later
                                      To evolve or to die
                                                                             April 6th, 2008
                                                                             Punta Cana
                                                                             Dominican Republic