By Mercy Echenique
Date: 2009 Apr 24
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Nothing Left

No need to gawk, no need to stare,
I already told you how much I care,
How I'll always be there.

I poured out all my feelings from the core,
So what are you waiting for,
Let me in, open your door,
There's no need to ignore,
Your making my heart feel sore,
You know I'm not a whore,
When we're together its not bore,
So what do I have to prove, what more?

Honey I'm the real deal,
so have no fear,
I'll always be here.

It doesn't matter if your distant,
I would be there in an instant.

Life wouldn't be the same if you walked out,
I would never be able to get out and about.

Stop saying I'm trying to play you,
What the fuck do you want me to do?

I don't think there's anything left to prove,
Time isn't going any slower, we gotta move.

Dying is our fate,
So lets get moving before its too late.
Lets stop with all the Hate,
There's no need to discriminate.

Love sees no faults, whether your black, white, brown, or yellow,
Shouldn't matter if your a woman or a fellow.

As long as your in love, that's all you need,
I want to find someone, I'll take the lead.

Treat them right,
Never have a fight,
Be so close, so tight.

I'm aching to find my love, just shaking,
When I say I love you, I'm not faking,
But my heart is breaking,
My soul no longer waking,
With every hit I'm taking,
Every choice I'm making.

So I guess this is the end for now,
I don't know how,
All I have left to say is wow.

There's no need to be a hater,
I'll just see another later.

I'm falling off the edge so deep,
As I lay down to sleep.