By Ladyfoxfire
Date: 2009 May 26
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Yesterday,Today,The Future

Yesterday, Today,The Future

Yesterday seemed so far away ,but as only yesterday; i remember the great times that suddenly where torn away from a beast i was warned to keep you from,but didn't understand until later your sister came to live with you she called him up got you together thought she was doing what was right,oh my God had she only known he would be the cause of the loss of her life .hurrying that evenning i remember as yesterday tossing clothe's in suit case's in the back of the car ,shoe,s belt's hat's anything that would fit ,but hurry or he would be there ,and catch you two before you got gone it seemed to be the best day of her life she said to me you two would be careful when i left,but i knew something was not quite right i felt that tug at my heart wanting to scream don't go!
Later from what i recall you telling me you said hold on we'll be stopped in a minute but the next thing you remember you was looking for your sister bright lights.of red, blue,clear glareing to where you could not see you said i can't go where is my sister ,but they would not answer you only would say we got to go they let you talk to your doctor he cried on the phone that's when you knew she was gone you never made it to the destination where the fun was awaiting you & her clothe's ,shoe,s belt,s etc. stron torn tatered all along the highway such a unbeliveable sight had she only known not to get you connected back to the beast you once had known.
You married him out of pressure went against everything you had been told like rubbing salt in a open wound ,you let him use you say you was going to let him go ,but out of guilt you would say  you couldn't he had let everything he ever owened go. So i really do not know why but you let him run your life your friends became a thing of the past no longer where in existent,maybe in your mind oh yeah they would drop in now and then to check on you from time to time,until finially it seemed you seen the light divorced him sold your house moved into town,but then once more you let him hunt you like a aniamil right down to the ground you feared for your life you would tell me he even broke in hide under your bed ,but you did nothing about it let him win again instead.
Now it is still today, yet it is the future your still with him you finally gave totally up let him ,and his family win you have a whole lot of aqauintance's ,but very few of your friends you've let him move you off farther away only to beleive it is in the best intrest for you and i suppose maybe it is because there is no more that any of us can do ,you should be liveing these last years of your life not sitting at home everyday on a couch in your PJ'S but you have let him beat you down to this im not so sure there is to much more i can say!
Oh yeah you get to go get your hair fixed maybe once a week ("WHY") you are not going anywhere special not the way you did with Bill..... But he on the other hand gets up every morning makes sure he goes has breakfast or cofee with his brother and buddies huh* so if you want to call anyone you have to hurry get it done while he is gone this is not liveing life but this is your future DonLynn has no real idea what it is like here when he is not here. Im sure he thinks life is grand ,but if he only knew what you really are going through he would exsplode like the biggest war you had ever seen.  it hurts to see you this way to have watched you over the years,but this is as honest as a true friend can be and that is what you are to me.. I Love You But You Need Help!