By Mercy Echenique
Date: 2009 Jun 14
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One Heart Two Choices

One Heart Two Choices

My feelings for him are slowly growing,
I hope to god that it isn't showing.

I've been thinking of him ever since what went down,
When I think about it, its smiles all around.

I barely see him but he's always on my mind,
He is so sweet, truly one of a kind.

He tells me he always thought I was beautiful, a smile creeps on my face,
When he gets close, my heart begins to race,
Do I truly have hidden feelings for him, is a crush the case?

I can't try to go for him, even if what I have for the other is done,
I can't act on those feelings, for he is friends with the other one,
Damn, I hate having this feeling, its no fun.

I am so confused, I don't know who to choose,
I think of them both when I'm in a snooze.

Who's willing to give me their heart completely, cuz I'm willing,
This choice is making me insane, inside I'm dying, its killing.

How would this work out, I don't know what to do,
Cuz I don't know whose love would be true,
Is it him or is it you?

I have a choice to make, either the jerk or the sweet heart,
This decision is literally going to tear me apart,
Damn, I should have been a cold hearted bitch from the start.

But now its too late,
Now I must choose my fate,
Who do I want as my one and only mate,
Who will be my love, the one I date?

If I don't choose one,
I'll eventually end up with none.

But what do they both see in me, I'm nothing big or hot, That's something I'm way far from, I'm not.

Is it because of my nationality,
Or could it be my personality?

Whatever it is I should feel lucky because both are truly amazing men,
Even though one sees me as a seven, the other a ten.

Maybe I shouldn't choose any, be single,
Be a flirt, ready to mingle.

But I don't want that, I want to be committed,
Because being lonely is something I want to keep omitted.

Their telling me I need to pick, I hate these voices,
I hate this feeling of having, one heart two choices...