By ~Harem~
Date: 2009 Oct 24
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BE CHOOSY and Bypass The Weeds

and - #Bypass the Weeds#

Whatever you want, is what you should get.
Don't settle for anything less.
The time that you spend, with unsuitable ones
Leaves no time, to look for the best.

We often are tricked into thinking a lie
We'll never find that which we need.
Taking whatever, passes our way
A sure bet, we'll never succeed.

The soul-mate you want, the lover you crave
The kind heart you sorely desire
The tender, forgiving, love that you wish for
Is yours, if you dare to aspire

It may take some time, and patience you'll need
But really it's worth it to wait.
You'll reap the rewards of confidence restored
For true love, it's never too late.

So bypass the person, who enters your world
Who vexes your soul, and your life
Who causes you pain, who brings on the rain
The tears, and the fears, and the strife.

There's someone just right,  who's waiting for you
Who perfectly suits all your needs.
Reach into life's garden,  carefully pick.
Be choosey , and bypass the weeds.
