By unconditional
Date: 2010 Jan 12
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I Look And I Tell My SIN

I Look And I Tell My SIN

Saved by nothing but grace....

I try and Pace, this race....

I run for the lord....

But I look at my SIN and feel so unworthy of love he gives that I don’t accept it....

I look to the left to face my SIN but the thought jus makes me quiver within....

So I look away….....

But SINce I’m saved by grace I gotta face this SIN I’m IN so....

I look again, and this time I tell my SIN....

“Yea I look at you and I c me but that was the me before GOD showed me who he wanted me to be,....

He specifically chose you to take me to all the hell I went through....

And if it had not been for you…….!!!”....

Saved by nothing but grace....

I try and Pace, this race....

I run for the lord....

So I look and I tell my SIN no more,  ....

I tell myself no more I tell HIM….. NO more.....

.. ..

The Bible says confess your SINS and he is faithful and JUST to forgive you of all Unrighteousness ....