By Just L
Date: 2010 Jan 28
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Valentines Schmalentines

God, am I in trouble!
It s only 11 am; I am seeing double

At The Glenwood with brunch I had a mimosa
Knowing full well this was not my dilemma

I view them two by two as I drive thru the city
It’s as if I am on an art of love study

Valentines 2009
Even the date is a rhyme

“Faithfully Yours” on the radio blaring
Oh great, now my Journey is truly despairing

Flowers on every corner for the forgetful – or guilty
Somehow I fail to see the beauty

And as I made my way to Sundance
I saw couples on the street; entwined hands

And then it struck my heart as true as the day
A smile crossed my face as I made my way

I’d brave the cold 45 degree weather for a warm hand to hold
A simple gesture of affection that never gets old

Written February 14, 2009