By Belinda
Submitted by Belinda
Date: 2010 Jul 31
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Home is Four Directions

Home is North
in the direction of
the four sacred mountains
of the Din'e, the people
of my great-Grandmother
and her Athabaskan ancestry
who left the cold North
to a new country
bow and arrow in hand
to a new land
of the Anasazi

South into the storm clouds
brewing in the distance
and a bolt of lightning, reminding
of the erased footsteps
left on a trail
of my Spanish ancestors
with a French twist
forging North
to New Spain

East, where the plains
meet the Rockies
high above, enough
to see the harbor of
New York City
and a ship sailing in
carrying a man from Germany
my great-Grandfather
stepping onto an island
called Ellis
and a new country

West into the sunset
and twilight of life
among the hues of a
red and orange sky
before the darkness

Belinda Sedillo