By RebeccaBeth_88
Date: 2011 Jul 31
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Shower Diaries

Let the water run down my back.
Bring back the memories that run,
The colors like black mascara from my eyes,
White shampoo from my hair.
I can't think apart from you.
My heart doesn't know how to reach past the linoleum,
In to the window,
In front of the fireplace to grip your being.
Dear diary,
I love someone I can't have.
Please wash away my feelings,
This sweet pain,
Send it to the ocean to bless the fish.
Perhaps when the dolphins cry I'll know.
I can't think apart from you.
Let the water rush over and for one second,
Give me a new day,
A new hour.
Let the water run down my back.
Let the water run.
Dear diary..