By Jane Rain Date: 2011 Dec 22 Comment on this Work [[2011.]] |
it felt like the beginning again with his focus solely on me. but never before had i felt so close so loved so important so needed so wanted so safe than in our last two nites together. we were truly ours. dreading the end i clung to every caress he laid upon me every word that slid from his coy lips every whiff of his sweet skin. our love was magnified as we shared our bodies and bore our souls. every ounce of my being was poured into those hours. still in a place of ethereal bliss we laid facing each other legs entwined and fighting off sleep. i told him i knew something about us that he didn't know yet i couldn't say what. what i know is a truth so deeply embedded in us that it startles even me to grasp its existence. however i believe it to be something he has to discover on his own. until then i will wait. endlessly. |