By HaremGirl
Date: 2012 Mar 23
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I love him so much but sometimes
he does things purposely to upset me.
I can't understand why he does that.
How can sweet and sour come from the
same source?

A good example happened today.
He knows how I feel about giving the cashier
the credit card before the transaction is over
and complete.
I even asked him to please not do that
when we were going into the store today.

We've had several bad experiences when he has
done that before.  Like the cashier misplacing
the card (we later found it in one of the bags) -
and one time having to go back to retrieve an
item that never got bagged - because he gave her
the credit card before everything was rung up.
And then the time that she never deducted the
money-off "coupons" because he slid the card before
she was done and the coupons got overlooked and
put in her drawer but never made it to the receipt.

So he did it again today - swiped the card while she
was still ringing up the items and as a result -
some bags were left behind.  I could strangle him.

I was so mad - and he thought it was funny.
So I took back the credit cards this evening and
put them in my wallet.  From now on, I will do the
card swipe (after the transaction is over)  Is
he sadistic or what ?  How can sour crap like
that - come from a man who is normally so warm and
loving and caring ?  Beats the hell out of me.
