By HaremGirl
Date: 2012 Apr 14
Comment on this Work


A seasoned psychologist once told me
that marriage was nothing more than
a Living Arrangement.
I found that hard to swallow.
If you get along well and can tolerate
each other for long periods of time.
If you have enough in common to keep
the arguments at bay, but have enough
differences to make it interesting.
If the sex is good and one of you likes
to cook.  If one of you is good with money,
and the laughter is contagious-
If you agree on politics and religion
and both want the same things out of life
and agree to the size of your family,
then more than likely "marriage" will work.

Sex alone just won't do it.  The chemistry
has to be tried and tested and then the
Living Arrangement can be signed, sealed,
and delivered.

