By HaremGirl
Date: 2012 Aug 12
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So many things have changed since I lost my legs.
I was forced into early retirement and sometimes
I feel disgusted with myself, for letting this
terrible thing happen to me.
I used to always be in control, but now I am at
the mercy of others - A very unpleasant position
to be in.
I feel worthless - Like a debit.
I want to be a Credit Card, Not a debit.
I want to give - I don't want to take.
I like waiting on others, and I hate being waited upon.
I feel like half of a woman.
What happened to the other half.
What did they do with my legs ?
Did they get a decent burial
or are they lying in some garbage dump with the other
diseased organs ?
My husband says they were probably thrown into a
really hot furnace - so even the bone would burn into
Part of me gone - never to return - leaving me like
a midget clown who has to beg for their food.
People tell me that I should be glad just to be alive.
I almost died - filled with gangrene that even went
to my brain.  I couldn't talk - I couldn't make a
sentence.  I couldn't form words - I couldn't make
any sound come out of my mouth.
For a whole year - I was a prisoner in my bedroom on
the third floor.  I gazed out the window looking at
the world driving by.  Last summer, when I watched
the grandkids swimming in our little pool - while they
splashed and laughed - I watched from the upstairs
window - with tears in my eyes.  No one knew how sad
I was....  I put on the smile - even when my legs
oozed sores, with pus and blood running down them,
until one day - we realized that I had no flesh on my
feet anymore - only bones.  The pain used to make
me pass out.  I started hallucinating, and rocked and
chanted all night long.  Until they took me out in a
stretcher and drug me to the ER - to have my legs
cut off.  
I thought afer that - things would get better.
But no, it got worse.  I couldn't swallow.  
I could not hold down any food - not even water.
I was delirious.  I couldn't even move my fingers
anymore.  My stumps hurt and ached - and I had to
roll over onto bedpans.  I could not move - they had
to push and pull me for everything.  I couldn't feed
myself because I did not have enough strength to pick up
a fork or spoon.
The nurses yelled at me and told me that I was spoiled.
They called me lazy because I couldn't feed myself.
They refused to let my family feed me.  So I stopped
eating and got weaker and weaker.  I began to slip
away.  I was dying of malnutrition.  My husband had to
sneak food into my mouth when the nurses were not
looking - When I finally got some strength up -
I yelled at the nurses and reported them to their
managers and thereatened to get news reporters - to
tell my story.   Then they started to let my family
help me.  I told them that I was not a spoiled baby -
but just needed help until I could get my strength back.
Stupid idiots - couldn't they see that without making
me have to yell at them ???
But now to the Love part -
During all this, my husband stuck close to me.
He stayed in the hospital with me day and night,
He slept in a chair next to me, until my daughter
brought him in a cot from home.
He was there for me every second of the day.
I was scared as hell.
But my need for Love did not get burned in that
incinerator.   My need to be hugged and cuddled was
still there.  My need for reassurance that everything
was going to be alright - became my prime concern.
My husband made sure that my needs were taken care of.
He reassured me everyday of his love for me - by
sleepless nights, wiping my tears, putting up with my
mental breakdowns, putting up with my needy child-like
wants.  He pampered me and groomed me.  Like a
favored poodle, he maicured my nails, gave me sponge
baths, combed my hair, washed my face and fed me
the choicest parts of each meal.  I could go on for
hours with all the things he did for me.
My need for love is still full-blown, even though
half of me is missing.  And I thank God everyday,
that my husband still wants and needs me as much as
before.  I am so grateful that our ability to love
has not been marred or changed in any way, despite
me loosing my legs.   It's not a storybook ending,
but it still brings a smile to my face (and his).

