By Galadrial
Date: 2012 Oct 29
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Blow Me Down

Well blow me down,
blow me over
blow my mind
blow in my ear
whisper the words low,
and say the sweet ones
lower still,
because I read them
like scattered runes,
sweet sailor man.

We survive our lives,
hand in hand
across years, miles and more,
and you will not say one thing
but you don't need to
because you keep blowing at me,
the care with the upper case C
in case I missed the point.

Dammit man,
come kiss me
and take your time about it,
so i can taste the curlicues,
the raised print script,
the elegant font of your tongue
and don't make me wait
will I am breathless
with anything
but the last words
you took from me
before you damn well dazzled me
with gale force need.