By Chayil
Date: 2013 Mar 18
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The man who was as cold as ice

The man who was as cold as ice
And as hot a fire
Cold as winter and hot as the summer sun
Who melted the ice that surrounded my heart
Turned it into a puddle of water on the floor
And I let it happen
My heart helpless in his clutches.  
It had been dead for so long
He brought it back to life with one kiss
It felt so good to be alive
After being so dead for so long
Except it was all a lie

And now I am left
Watching my tears form a new layer
Of ice
That I will never let another soul melt again

It hurts to much to be vulnerable
So for now I will live
With my heart
Covered in a layer of ice
Half alive
But mostly dead inside

Walking though life without love
Without fire
No pain from missing desire
I am just me
Meant to be alone
With my heart beneath a layer of ice
A smile of my face
My heart full on pain