By Edmundo Daudi
Date: 2013 May 05
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Sultana Smiling

Earlier, tipsy, feeling esprit
I was soaked in the need for a kind of soliloquy
I was thinking of thanking
the gods that may be...
for equatorial camouflage's effectivasy

and for the current lowly banal state,
the clumsy slow developing rate,
of my peripheral senses,
of my fumbly defenses,
of my attention's straight and uniformed gate

for at fourteen proximate easy paces
they picked up not one of millions of traces
of sublime silhouette
of Sultana's etiquette
that these days always win my heart's races.

a patrician feral dancer she
sits in the dark seven yards right in front of me
I am dancing, I sweat
just being myself
all alone in a light, sure no one can see

thanks for a well behaved voyeurist's empathy
her seeing me move at high speed velocity,
she patiently waits,
maybe watching a while
then springs into the light, and show's me the smile

So thanks to you gods that surely must be
for this hiding, this witness
just there, right in front of me
for if I'd of sensed her sooner, you see
I would have surely behaved pretty foolishly

-Edmundo Daudi