By musicalduck
Date: 2014 Mar 24
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My 12 Steps

My 12 Steps (please note this does not follow the original program)

Step 1: Admitting I have a problem
"Hi, my name is Musicalduck and no matter what I did I couldn't get him out of my mind."

Step 2:  Cry uncontrollably on an airplane
"He texted me five minutes before boarding - it said 'I think when you come back we should just be friends.'"

Step 3: Avoid your apartment as much as possible
"There wasn't a night I didn't go out. I found every excuse to stay somewhere else. My bed felt five sizes too big, and the living room looked so empty without his stuff."

Step 4: Run into him everywhere you go

Step 5: Start dating again
"I got back into the game. Having him in the back of my mind everytime I laid down with someone new."

Step 6: Dream about him

Step 7: Piss everyone off with your behavior
"I began avoiding friends and breaking hearts in any attempt to get his voice out of my head. It kept getting louder."

Step 8: Hate yourself, but do nothing about it
"I hated what he turned me into. A shell of a person. I went through my days wondering when I could drink just to blur my mind of his image."

Step 9: Realize you did this to yourself
"I was angry at him I didn't see what the real problem was. Me."

Step 10: Fix the problem (yourself)
"I began to self reflect. See that I had become selfish and pushed him away. I had made myself this shell. I had destroyed the only thing I had every truely loved."

Step 11: Apologize to those you hurt (him included)

Step 12: Find comfort in being alone
"I loved him. I love him. I love what we had. With time passed, I have learned to let go. My anchor has been pulled from his heart. I am free to sail where I want. Right now, I sail alone."