By Just L
Date: 2018 Sep 26
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An Angel Beckons

I received a note anonymously;
Urging me to open my heart;
Trust the divine warrior who leads the heavenly army;
Who could this be?

The words were written with sincerity;
Though the name was withheld,
Its uniqueness touched me deeply.

He was to meet me where mountains meet the sea;
"How will I recognize you?" I thought.
Yet anticipating, he penned,
"You will know me."

With views of the cliffs, I was planted below in the lea;
At last he emerged from the sun's glare;
I strained impatiently.

Then as if in a dream I saw his energy;
The outline of a shadowed form,
Surrounded by a pink angelic light;
I recognized his stride immediately.

The colors of love, peace and harmony;
Literally, "he who seeks God“ --
Archangel Chamuel was on a mission to find me.

Excited my spirit jumped with glee;
"Yesss, I know you!"
"You love me."

~Just L (September 15, 2018)