By Ria
Submitted by peregrine falcon
Date: 2020 May 22
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Cold May, warm Summer...?

May is cold this year. Like in 1997. - In 1997 the Heat came the 31.5.1997. And the whole Summer was Magical.

You may think, that I'm stuck in the year of 1997. But I'm not! - This year the Spring seems Magical. The birch in front of my balcony looks like a bride in its light green dress. My protecting Fir (in front of my balcony) is getting Flowers. The grass between our buildings is like green velvet. A bird has made its nest between birch branches. Grass is growing from it :0). And its soo nais to see them doing all of the nesting.
Early in the mornings I go for my dogs, Sintti, walks. The same round for 6 years now. I see the changes of nature. I see LIFE!

I'm mostly at home, because of the Corona. My life isn't my Usual Life. But I'm better off, than many. Beacuse: I also like to be alone :0).

YOU are so little in my thoughts, that I don't like it :0(.
Where are YOU? - Tell me, that you think of Me...!